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High Peak Estate

About High Peak Estate
Located at the beginning (or the end!) of the Pennines, the High Peak Estate is an upland property typified by dramatic scenery.
The High Peak Estate is a product of erosion on the underlying Carboniferous Millstone Grit Series, and Limestone to the south of Mam Tor . Unlike many estates associated with large houses, High Peak is a property created by the Trust through acquisition and hence has no overall identity as an estate.
Within the property however, there are associations with the Chatsworth estate and Hardwick Hall which once extended to the Hope Woodlands. The property is not therefore a fixed entity and continues to develop as the Trust protects its existing holdings.
The Estate's habitats and ecosystems are to a large extent determined by the physical characteristics of its geology and topography. However, their nature and character are otherwise entirely the product of human activity.
Opening Times:
Open and unrestricted access for walkers all year to moorland, subject to occasional management closures (advertised locally). Access to farmland is via public rights of way and permitted paths.
Contact Details
[email protected]
01433 670368
Edale End, Hope Valley, Derbyshire, S33 6RF
Claim Listing